Teavana, fragrant, natural teas

Monday, January 14, 2008

Idol Blues Keeps on Trucking

Immersing myself into the Soul Patrol fan world of Mr. Hicks is certainly providing me with an education. I've been learning a great deal about myself, and have received a minute taste of what the celebrity must face in his or her position in the public eye. This foray into the psychology of the world of intense Idol worship, a borderline psychedelic experience. (Please enjoy the videos, they add to the story.)
"The Backstabbers" Song by the O'Jays

(video c/o Noromongrel)
On-line identities allow folks to masquerade web site to web site with relative anonymity, changing their names and handles as they see fit forum to forum. This ability often allowing the posters to deceive and manipulate others who may be unsuspecting. I am discovering the type of persona, the caliber of fan that made it possible for Mr. Hicks to have pulled off a win of such magnitude of American Idol season five. This type of fan possesses intensity and single minded determination. They can be a bonus or a bane, but definitely in the realm called reality, borderline disturbing.
"Snakes in the Grass" Kim Hill video c/o eden512

Kim Hill has an amazing voice, a gifted Christian soul singer. You can hear more from her on her site, HERE.

Experiences add to learning and life should be all about that - the quest for new adventures and personal growth. When a person ceases to learn more about the world, as well as about themselves, they cease to evolve, they begin to die. Granted not all lessons learned are positive, at least not initially. The test of an individual comes with what you do with what you've discovered.

Me, hell, I just gotta keep on "Trucking" video c/o Hairfarmer


  1. Anonymous3:13 PM


    Shed the backstabbers and the insane fans at the CL fan club and keep on truckin'. Even if you never blogged another word about fanatics and Taylor Hicks and MFOYA, you have a lot of offer in your bloggings about music and life. Good luck to ya.

    As for me, got my Taylor Hicks membership kit today - better late than never I guess since this is for last years' membership. I looked at the contents, smiled, and put it away. It's the exclamation point on the end of my Taylor Hicks fan era. His actions lost me months ago and nothing he has done afterwards has lured me back. Movin' on, not looking back.

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    All that fuss about the membership kit and what a disappointment. Please. Exclamation mark, Margaret? More like a period.

    Hicks needs to attach himself to better management. Now.

    Hey, is the little dog hicksfan7? LOL!
