Teavana, fragrant, natural teas

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bat Cave aka MFOYA chat

Yes, once more I will stoop to the trailer park trash level that is the Caroline Lyders Fan Club. Once more I'll infest this blogspot with the lower level intelligence, just because I can... and I'm ok with it. It's for a good cause.

Let me put on my Spidey suit and step up once more for the fight for Truth, honor and all that is N O T on that site of Freaks.

Let's roll this evening with mentioning celebrityblondebabe (because that's what she craves):

celebrityblondebabe // January 12, 2008 at 8:54 pm

HEY JEANNI…!!! I am the celebrity here…so, my part must be BIG…besides writers are on strike and are broke as hell. I have finally laughed…had a rough day…lost my cell phone…stumped my toe…but, have not taken my SOUTHERN BELLE jammies off all day…it was a lazy day…hope I did not loose my phone in the lake…that would be bad. BUT…coming here just perked me up…You guys crack me up!!!

Let me make clear, I am not making that up. You can go here to read the complete post and commentaries.

That has to be trailer park trash at one of its finest comedic level - I can only hope that SOUTHERN BELLE gets a shower and her clothes on once in a while. Too, getting drunk all day by the lake in her pajamas, and most likely collecting welfare or unemployment, not an admirable lifestyle. At least this blatant genius did not 'loose' (sic) her phone in the lake while getting trashed all day in her SOUTHERN BELLE 'jammies. Dear readers we know it is 'lose' because well, 'loose' ... well, I guess that explains the drunk in the 'jammies all day at the lake...

Meanwhile she pipes in a mere two minutes later with this brilliant quip:

celebrityblondebabe // January 12, 2008 at 8:56 pm

OMG…that is it, Chill…The Chat Bat Cave. ROFLMAO.

I find that a compliment since I love Batman. (Hell, superheros in general.)Chill's in this one, she's the Joker...
video by Ozbruno

This video dedicated to the Fanatics, it's from me to all of them for MFOYA. I'd rather be wrong than be associated with the likes of you True Trailer Park Asses.
"Heroes" c/o ghostnv

And to the highly ignorant, " icantbelieveireadthewholething" who wrote:

January 12, 2008 at 5:42 pm

mfoya = deluded, rejected wannabe groupie.

It’s really the only thing I can say to explain how much she hates Taylor.

And that Sunny? What a misnomer that is, right?

I haven’t liked her since her blog first launched. She put Taylor’s name right there in the URL and never talked about him. It’s only been within the last few months that she has mentioned him at all (and it’s usually in reference to mfoya or the bullshit that is going on over there).

You illiterate fool. This blogspot was The First Hicks blog - it opened before Gypsee's and before Gray Charles'. Research then speak. I really am disgusted with the rampant stupidity of the Fanatics and anyone posting with them.

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