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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

CBS, The Early Show invitation to see Taylor!

I received an e.mail extending an invitaion to all the Soul Patrollers to come see Taylor live. He is performing for their morning show here are the details:


My name is Brian Bagley I work for CBS 's The Early Show. On Wednesday May 31st, Taylor Hicks will be performing on our Plaza located on the corner of 59th and 5 Ave. This is FREE and would love for all members of The Soul Patrol to be there. He will go on about 9 a.m. but would also like for you to be outside while we film The Early Show at 7:30. For more questions please feel free to email me at BagleyB@CBSnews.com. I wanted to know if you could post this on your page for all of the Soul Patrol to attend.


Brian Bagley
Audience Coordinator
CBS The Early Show

Now if he'd just have thrown in the airfare and hotel accommodations, I'd be there poster in hand screaming my very best WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! But alas, my little blog stature doesn't earn me that elite treatment. If only there really was a Santa Claus...and he came to visit in May...or let's see, magic fairy dust...I could sprinkle it on myself with the help of Tinker Bell and poof! I'd be in Taylor Heaven but life doesn't work that way. The reality is I just can't afford this great opportunity.

Starving artists and all of that. But one day when my great American Novel sells, and it becomes a top grossing movie...

(OK, I slapped myself, back to reality.)

Great opportunity for all of you fortunate folks to go cheer on our guy. Wish I could be there. sigh. Somebody send me a postcard and pic. Think of Sunny as you cheer on the Soulman! *wiping a tear*

Groove on Soulman!

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